Low 80's F, overcast and dry.
Isolated showers forecast for next few days from weakened TS Fay.
Lots 1 through 7; rough mechanicals complete, air sealing in progress
Lots 8 through 13; siding in progress
Lots 14 through 19; brick masonry in progress
Lots 20 through 26; porch footing in progress
Lot 22 porch footing
Lot 22 porch footing rebar grouted to house footing
Lot 26 through 20 porch footing excavation
Lot 8 through 13 siding in progress
Lots 13 through 8 siding in progress
Lots 13 through 8 brick masonry complete
Lots 19 through 14 brick masonry in progress
Lot 7 rough mechanical complete, air seal and fire stop in progress
Lot 6 rough mechanical complete, air seal and fire stop in progress
Lot 5 rough mechanical complete, air seal and fire stop in progress
Lots 13 through 8 siding in progress
Lots 13 through 8 brick masonry complete
Lots 19 through 14 brick masonry in progress
Lot 7 rough mechanical complete, air seal and fire stop in progress
Lot 6 rough mechanical complete, air seal and fire stop in progress
Lot 5 rough mechanical complete, air seal and fire stop in progress